Exam for Transplantation Medicine

Exam for Transplantation Medicine

The upcoming Exam for Transplantation Medicine will be held every other year in connection with the ESOT Congress 2021, which will take place in Milan, Italy from 29th August to 1st September 2021. See the PDF file attached.
The 19th ESOT Congress

The 19th ESOT Congress

This week in Copenhagen is held the 19 th ESOT Congress, and Romtransplant association is represented by past president Prof. Dr. Irinel Popescu and General Secretary SL. Dr. Bogdan Dorobanțu who’s been elected as romanian representative in CENTS (College of the...


Gasiti toate detaliile descarcand fisierul de mai jos. You can find all the details downloading the files. http://www.romtransplant.ro/ELPAT2019_Scientific_Programme_v.07.03.2019.pdf

European Board of Transplant Medicine

First Announcement The 4th Exam for awarding the European Diploma in Transplant Medicine is organised by the European Board of Transplant Medicine of the Division of Transplantation of the UEMS in collaboration with the European Society of Organ Transplantation...